California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth — provides up to $5,000 annually in free money to current or former foster youth to use for vocational school training or college courses. The money does not have to be paid back; and it can be used for rent, childcare, and transportation. (888) 224-7268
Employment and Training Services — tailored career development that includes finding employment based on a person’s unique goals through workshops, training, career counseling, and financial assistance which are training funds for eligible individuals. (619) 319-9675
Federal Student Aid - provides student loan and repayment counseling services by phone, online, and chat. Maintains an online website with college educational material, financial aid application, and online portals to track student loans and repayment progress.
Independent Living Skills for Foster Youth, East County — helps foster care youth achieve self-sufficiency by offering independent living skills training. Provides case management services, including educational support, money management, career exploration, job development, and housing. 7373 University Ave., La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 258-6877
Just in Time for Foster Youth — engaging a caring community to help transition age foster youth achieve self-sufficiency and well being. (619) 218-8566 or (760) 505-6647
Next Up — partnering with California Community Colleges, this program offers eligible current and former foster youth, who want to pursue a college education, with the support and services that include help with books and supplies, transportation, tutoring, food and emergency housing.
Promises2Kids — provides current and former foster youth in San Diego County with tools, opportunities guidance they need to address the circumstances that brought them into foster care, overcome the difficulties of their past and grow into healthy and successful adults. (858) 278-4400
Stand up for Kids — serves unaccompanied homeless and at risk youth, up to their 25th birthday. Their mission is to end the cycle of youth homelessness with street outreach, outreach centers, mentoring, and housing. (800) 365-4543
San Diego Youth Services — helping San Diego’s most vulnerable youth, including foster children, youth experiencing homelessness, family conflict and violence, abuse and neglect, mental health struggles and substance abuse. Call or text (619) 241-0608 Monday -Friday 10am-6pm
Urban Street Angels - Operates 3 separate programs, all serving homeless transition-aged youth (“TAY”, 18-25 years old) to help them off the streets with a hand up. (619) 415-6616 (619) 415-6616